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Beautiful Coaching

Find the BEAUTY within

Beautiful Soul,


so honored to have you browsing on my homepage.

In case you don`t know me yet, my name is Sophia Magdalena.
I recently went through a business rebirth phase and gained much more clarity on what I would like to offer to humanity.

So, here I am integrating `Soul Connection - Coming Home` into a much bigger vision, arising from my souls desire which finally is coming to life - `Soul Flower - Blossom Beautifully`.  

Being deeply connected to yourself, your soul, to existence itself, understanding life and getting to know yourself is just one part of the adventure. 

Expressing - in an authentic way - your own unique truth, that is a completely different area, integration has to happen, on so many levels in order to be able to blossom beautifully.


I am here to serve humanity in a beautiful, uplifting way. It is time to bring more Peace, Love, Joy and Freedom into this world - more Light and Beauty - especially as we are going through intense energetic shifts - as a collective and as individuals.


So, let*s start by looking at ourselves first. Become the person you always wanted to be - overcome old, unhealthy and unnecessary limitations, thoughts and habits that are hindering you from being who you truly want to be. Open your heart and act from a place of compassion and understanding rather than judgement and fear. Stop living in constant survival mode and step into the most beautiful, most delicious, most authentic  and unique version of yourself.


 And when is it better to start than NOW ?

I trust that this is the beginning of us beautifully connecting to each other, and I am so looking forward to support you.




I am in divine service - here for YOU and so honored to be able to be a part of your unique adventure.


Love Love Love,

Beautiful Soul


Sophia Magdalena Krause

Rathenower Strasse 31, 10559 Berlin

+64 2102440491

Die Umsatzsteuer-Identifikation lautet: DE 79 413 628 510

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